Eric Sutton
When I started racing over 20 years ago, my mentor Mark Dundas taught me how to study the track, to understand the timing needed to navigate a corner, and how to performance drive my 1995 Integra GSR.
My reflexes were okay because I was young, but my techniques/habits were not proper.
With time, you will get faster, but are you learning the right habits? Usually not. Driving is not a natural skill! Do you think humans were born to drive? You need a Coach along your entire driving and learning journey. I HAVE A COACH.
I’ve learned to stop trying to improve without expert help. It is so fun to continue to refine skills and reflexes by collecting data and incorporating feedback from other experienced drivers.
If you connect with this growth mindset for your driving journey, team up with RSpeed.
Why am I driven to continuously improve?
When I was younger, I raced mountain bikes, which is a thrill of its own. The wind, the dirt on the trail, the struggle to the finish line. Driving takes this to another level.
Racing is a constant challenge to understand the finer details, the timing of taking a corner, and how well you can hone your skills and habits.
But mostly, when I think back on all the races I’ve participated in, I think of the smiling faces and the fellowship of the community. They challenge me to be better, and I just love it!
Be more aware and be more present, always. Most people know that being prepared for a race starts weeks or even months before. It’s easy to forget that you have many people rooting for you. Remember those people, be aware, and be present to make the most out of your day.
Think about this more as continuous improvement. We take a baseline of where you are now by driving, reviewing, making adjustments, learning skills, then driving again. Sometimes you just need to see or experience it yourself as a passenger. Once we know your goals, we establish the timeline and drive!
We can start with your car and a helmet. If you don’t have a helmet, one will be provided to you.